Monday, August 24, 2009

9.18.08 - Delivering Dylan's Gifts

On September 18, 2006, our son & brother, Dylan passed away. Dylan's passing was so tragic, not only because he was 6 days old at the time, but also because the cause of his death was due to a hospital acquired respiratory infection that went undiagnosed and thus untreated at his birth hospital (different than Christ or Hope Children's Hospital). At the time of Dylan's death, many people used the analogy that the impact of Dylan's brief life was like throwing a pebble into a pond. Now 2 years later... none of us, not Hannah or Riley who were so persistent to give books & toys to children in the Hospital, nor we as the guardians of these three great children, could have EVER imagined being witness to this AMAZING event.

Delivery happened so quickly... but in the flurry of excitement, you couldn't help noticing that Hannah did not want to loose sight of a special bag -- the very 1st of Dylan's Gifts that would be given by the girls to a special patient.
Hannah and Riley came with some questions that were answered from some very special people from the Child Life Department.
After answering all the questions, Lisa showed Hannah and Riley into the Pediatric Out-Patient Oncology clinic where they were able to share smiles with other children and then shown the "Treasure Chest" where some of Dylan's Gifts could be used.
Dylan's Gifts 2008!!! What an amazing sight it was to see nearly 900 books and toys altogether (and how powerful to imagine how many children will be impacted with all these things)!
Thank you to EVERYONE who helped make Dylan's Gifts 2008 to be a dream come true! We know that we were able to witness something so incredible on this special day, because of all the support Hannah and Riley received from family, friends and countless strangers!

Sometimes "Thank You" just doesn't seem enough, so we wish to leave you all with the smiles from two very happy little girls with big hearts!!!

9.17.08 - A packed and ready to go...

Hannah & Riley worked so hard sorting, packing and even labeling boxes for a very special delivery. Nearly 900 books and toys will be delivered to Hope Children's Hospital on September 18, 2008.

9.17.08 - Another amazing gift!!!

Today, we picked up a HUGE donation that was delivered to the Church Rectory. A total of over 15 boxes and bags FULL of books were given to Dylan's Gifts. Matt counted out over 75 books in just one bag alone!!! We are all OVERWHELMED by the continual support by family, friends and now strangers!!!

An update on this HUGE donation of books... We were unable to sort these books (as requested by the Hospital) in order to include these books with our delivery of gifts on September 18, 2008. However, we are very excited to share that with this HUGE donation, Dylan's Gifts will now help to fill the book shelves in the newly redecorated waiting rooms on each of Hope Children's Hospital's 3 floors. This is an effort that will be very near and dear to our hearts as even Hannah & Riley know what it is like to spend time in these waiting rooms.

9.15.08 - A final surge of donations come to our home.

With the dining room table full and over flowing, books and toys of all shapes and sizes spilled into our front room, too.

Sending more love to some very special children than even they will ever know....

Many people have asked if it is hard for Hannah & Riley to see all these toys coming into our home and to know that we won't be keeping any of them. In all honesty, the girls' generous spirit just keeps growing. They are so excited to know that they are helping to make SO MANY children happy! (But, that doesn't stop a certain 6-year-old from starting her Christmas list in September.)

Santa, if you are reading this, Hannah still loves this toy!!!

9.14.08 - Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Another year older. Another year wiser. And ever so grateful for all of life's blessings!

Thank you for letting us share your birthday with you by doing something so incredibly special!

9.14.08 - Thank you to the Sprinkler Fitters!!!

The feeling of being overwhelmed and amazed continued when the Sprinkler Fitters, Local Union No. 281 asked to support Hannah & Riley in their efforts to collect books and toys for Hope Children's Hospital. During their Open House, 14 boxes (and then some) were filled to the top with more books and toys than two little girls could have ever dreamed.

In order to get everything into our two vehicles, the boxes had to be emptied, sorted and repacked. Although we had very little light to work by, we had plenty of tables to sort out all the donations.

Riley fell in love with this tool set! (Even though some toys are harder to keep from opening, it is rewarding to see that even this 3-year-old is happy to know that a well-deserving boy or girl will get some wonderful gifts.)

Two VERY FULL vehicles!!!

9.12.08 - By the night of September 12!!!

Thank you SO much to everyone who has helped to make ALL OF THIS possible!!!

What an AMAZING tribute to Dylan in honor of his 2nd birthday!!!